It is just over two weeks until our AGM on Friday 24th February at 7pm in the Stanborough’s Conservative Club Hoddesdon. The AGM is an opportunity for members to hear for themselves what has been going on over the past year and to hear reports from the Chairman and Treasurer detailing the position of the Association. It is also an opportunity for members to elect the people to take care of Association affairs for the year ahead. Nominations for officer positions close at Midday on Wednesday 15th February. All members will have received nomination papers with their notification of the AGM. If you believe you are a member but haven’t received notification then feel free to email the Secretary on [email protected] or phone on 01992 479972.
As well as hearing about the position of the Association it is an opportunity to catch up with fellow members as the AGM is a friendly affair despite the formal nature of the business that it is necessary to transact. Also as part of the AGM there is an update on the wider political scene from the Member of Parliament Charles Walker. So if you are a member then please do consider coming along to the AGM, even if you have never been before it is your right as a member to attend.